Male Infertility


Male factor infertility is on the rise. Learned andrologist, equipped sperm lab, hormonal lab, sperm bank, TESA, and ICSI facilities make the armamentarium complete for dealing with subfertile and infertile males.

Although infertility is often treated as a female problem, it can affect a man just as much. Infertility due to male factor accounts for at least 30% of infertility cases. For this reason, it is very important that men also be investigated for fertility problems. While blockages and problems producing healthy sperm are often the main reasons for male infertility, there are a variety of issues that can be diagnosed by a fertility specialist.

Once a diagnosis has been made, a proper course of treatment can be recommended. Depending on the cause of male infertility, possible forms of treatment may include surgery, drugs or assisted reproductive technologies, like ICSI.

Regardless of whether infertility is due to male or female factors or both, men can have just as much difficulty dealing with the consequences of not being able to conceive.